Thursday, December 4, 2008

secret surprise sneak peak and gossip

So I just went for coffee and now I am super happy. While walking there I spotted my favorite coffee guy talking to someone and he winked at me. Coffee guy and I have been separated for sometime as he works for the coffee place I hate the most but on my way out of the ubiquitous coffee empire I <3

Now on to my first post with a picture...I am working on a new and ambitious project for me. I designed the thing myself and if it doesn't suck I am going to have to award myself the scarlet slipper of honor. So without further ado here is phase one in all its cuteness!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

when I was little

When I was little I remember feeling bad for grown-ups that they had no space at the end of their beds....I always kept an army of friends at the end of my bed which were never disturbed because I couldn't even yet dream of being long enough to reach the end of my bed. My bed always felt like an island aided by the fact that for a time it was the top bunkbed and thus even more it's own kingdom. It was like the ice cream sandwich on the Candyland board game and when needed more reassurance that I was princess material I tucked in the top sheet all perfect and slid underneath it and slept with my hair arrayed on either side but don't tell my sisters ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

things to do

Today is a low energy day. I spent last night baking the cooks illustrated Lemon Sheet Cake into cupcakes. Note to self that they are too dry as cupcakes and they then call out for a raspberry sauce.

In the pet peeves category is that we are raising money for the UNWay at work and we are paying to go to a potluck chili lunch. Sigh total rip off -it should be donate food OR pay for food not both.

Finished my little doll for my little cousin - need to photo it and finish the blankets for her. I want to embroider a little pup for her brother and a pillow for their mom...modesty is not my middle name.

but since I'm listing my projects next is to pick up some black and green flannel and make two more blankets and then some embroidered bibs (one robot parts one rocket ship) which will require I pick up some bias tape some liner fabric/backing fabric and pre-wash them all.

after that is the tea towels for the girls at work - j, e, v. and then pillowcases for my aunt's anniversary and patches for my mom's quilt.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

good things

I think it is important to keep track of anything good that has happened. Yesterday, on my way home I ran into a Cosmetics and Jewellery Gala at the Bay. $10 bought you 2 mini glasses of wine, cheese & crackers, desserts and $8 off a purchase plus $10 worth of HBC points. Too cool I was entered in a draw as well and won plus there was a goodie bag and the stuff I ended up buying was on promotion!

While I was soaking up the gala wishing I was better dressed for the fun my best friend who has been MIA for 2 months called and we got together after I got home. It never rains it pours but when it pours good things I need to savour so it can carry me through the next round of not so awesome things.

Spent my extra food allowance so hopefully the weekend is quiet and full of salad ;)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Sometimes I feel inspired and sometimes I feel daunted by the number of things I want to create. It's hard to identify which projects are worth the extra effort but I started stitching a little doll last night that was totally worth the effort.

Inspiration comes to me at the weirdest times. I get all sorts of ideas when I'm walking to and from work but they float in and out of my head like clouds and if I was to record them all it would seem like an important thought never crosses my mind.

When I stepped out of bed this morning though I immediately realized I need to add some embroidered flowers to my doll to fill out the design and I felt awesome because I had been pondering how to avoid doing more fillin stitches all last night.

Things are going better this week for me. My aunt is the one struggling this week. I am staying basically on track diet-wise and not trying to be a rock star just hang-in there which at this time of year I consider the best anyone can do. I hoping for some good results next Monday and hoping to get some outstanding projects out of the way.

Next week is busier but hopefully I will out smart my food dilemmas.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the to do list

so a week of dieting has paid off and I am down 2 which is good...busy day ahead and lots of creations to create...thinking baby blankets, little dolly, dino or robot...must get to work this weekend...also dinner date must more stitcher left for me on the tea towel tour...flannel was on some crazy ultimate sale yesterday and now I'm convinced I need more and that I need a washing machine

Friday, November 7, 2008

good news bad news

No snow yet but I'm soooo tired today I can hardly stand it.

This week I started back on my diet. I'm dieting with my aunt. This coming March is her 25th wedding anniversary and they are having a party so it is good motivation. For me I like to stay on track in November because I know December is a hard month for me.

I have been maintaining a 50-60 lb weight loss for over 2 years now so it is something that is rarely off my radar but after doing it for this long now I can truly say that I know that my success is very much season dependant. The easiest time for me to lose weight truly is from January to April and so I try to make losses then and the rest of the time keep to maintaining. I haven't given up someday being super thin and fit because it has always been something I wanted even though I now realize it is somewhat unrealistic given my sturdy body type.

The anniversary party has me contemplating dress though and that is always fun. Change comes slowly to me but this will be a chance to show off and look good so I am looking forward to it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

he whose sole is flat

...this slipper is has got holes in her soul and I don't know where they come from. it's like one day you wake up and someone has drained the energy from your think it will come back but you just drag yourself around and wonder what you did that caused the -sky to cave in on you by and by.

...the stitch worked but I don't know if it is practical yet...I started another project and if I can breath my soul back into me I intend to start another one tonight...I will think scarlet thoughts and overcome inertia wish me luck.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Silver Threads and Golden Needles

I'm desparate to get home because at work today I suddennly realized I could turn my favorite border/doodle into a embroidery border. I looked and looked and if it works I think I may have invented a new stitch! Gold star to Scarlet! If it works I'll try to learn how to post a picture on this thing and show you.

I'm calling it Heart Sich which makes me think of Heart Sick and Stitch all at the same time...right now I'd give away just about anything to be near my regular threads and tarnished needles but alas it is not so...what kind of woman am I that I don't have a sewing kit with me. Sorry I have to go now I can't bear the shame.

Monday, August 11, 2008

come in stranger

Come in Stranger - Johnny Cash

She said come in stranger
It's good to have you home
I hurried thru 'cause I knew it was you
When I saw your dog, waggin' his tail
Honey, why didn't you let me know by mail
You've been gone so long

She said come in stranger
I know you're weary from all your miles
Just sit right there in your easy chair
And tell me all about the places you've been
How long it'll be before you leave again
I hope it's a long, long while

She said come in stranger
Everything 'round home is fine
I've watched and I've waited for you to get back
And I missed you all the time

She said come in, stranger
Oh how I need you when you're gone
I walk the floor and I watch the door
And when I lie awake and wonder where you can be
I'd give anything to have you here with me
I get so lonesome all alone

She said come in, stranger
And won't you listen to my plea
Stay long enough, so that the one I love
Is not a stranger to me