Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Sometimes I feel inspired and sometimes I feel daunted by the number of things I want to create. It's hard to identify which projects are worth the extra effort but I started stitching a little doll last night that was totally worth the effort.

Inspiration comes to me at the weirdest times. I get all sorts of ideas when I'm walking to and from work but they float in and out of my head like clouds and if I was to record them all it would seem like an important thought never crosses my mind.

When I stepped out of bed this morning though I immediately realized I need to add some embroidered flowers to my doll to fill out the design and I felt awesome because I had been pondering how to avoid doing more fillin stitches all last night.

Things are going better this week for me. My aunt is the one struggling this week. I am staying basically on track diet-wise and not trying to be a rock star just hang-in there which at this time of year I consider the best anyone can do. I hoping for some good results next Monday and hoping to get some outstanding projects out of the way.

Next week is busier but hopefully I will out smart my food dilemmas.

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