Tuesday, January 13, 2009

abominable snowman and shaggy da

more things I took for granted as a child - abominable snowman it never made sense so I imagined that abominal this case was not meant to mean awful but perhaps had something to do with snow or maybe it was a different word and I had misheard for years I wasn't sure whether my friend's dad's name was Ray or Gray(he did have gray hair) ...so to use the I looked it up and found out that it was meant to be abominable at which point I felt extra confused because he never seemed abominable to me just a more robust cousin of Frosty in my imagination but it was good for some internal "disabiguation" since all these questions are nowadays answered by the Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeti

My life consists of a lot of things like this. Just recently I realized that the Shaggy DA was not just random letters District Attorney meant nothing to me as a kid - I'm not sure I would have even realized an attourney was a lawyer soo...DA meant nothing and after years of taking the name of the movie for granted it dawned on me that he must have been a district attorney and I thought well see you can learn something from TV because if it hadn't been for years of Law and Order I doubt I would have ever put it all together -we don't have them in Canada.

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