Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunday VLV 13

So Sunday sister was determined to get to the outlet mall and as luck would have it after we checked out from the Rio we ran into the Las Vegas sign on the way over to the mall...photographs ensued and then after what seemed to me like a torturous eternity of shopping (2 hrs) I recused myself to go check-in at the Orleans.
All went well and we ended up on the 16th floor for the second time in one holiday.  It was a little give and take as our room at the Rio had a fridge and 2 sinks but there was something undefiniably nicer about the room at the Orleans despite the lack of the aforementioned accoutrements.  Sister arrived with all her purchases around 230 as I was getting ready to head down to see Justin Curtis & Sally Jo after much anticipation having not seen them since they were in my hometown some years back.  I departed and ended up in a line up to get into Brendan's and then wedged in the standing room only pub.  It was a great show and after making the mistake of ordering a double I decided I should return with my cup of whiskey for a bit of respite and to make sure sister got some food before she murdered me.

Next up was the Smokin' 45s.  I changed and put on my best gingham dress and watched some fantastic dancing in Bienville before the show started.  It was a lovely evening after which sister got to go to Frankie's Tiki Bar despite not knowing what a Tiki Bar was at the outset of our adventure.  I caught Huelyn Duvall (who I thoroughly enjoyed) and part of Rudy Grayzell before flaking out early despite my longstanding wish to see Annita and the Starbombers.  Sunday ended with me waking up on what was technically Monday after what was supposed to be a quick nap only to realize my eyes where a irritated shade of pink (from sleeping in my contacts) and I was not going to be able to catch up to anyone at this point.  Sister returned at what I believe was around 5 AM and I got up not too long after to go get tickets for a Monday evening performance of Cirque du Soleil.

1 comment:

Cee said... have me oh-so-puzzled. Who ARE you? You know my name, which shouldn't be too shocking as I'm sure I've posted it somewhere, you're from Canada and know the Smokin 45s/went to Frankies Tiki bar after which is where Calgary people went. Do I know you? Are you Bonnie? This doesn't sound like Bonnie...*so confused*