Thursday, March 3, 2011

best advice

So I don't know about anyone else but it is stressful trying to pack for trips.  I plan and plan and take way to much stuff and then end up wearing the same thing over and over because it is the only thing I feel like wearing.

Viva right now is eating away at my consciousness right now.  Last year was my first year and I stress and worried a lot about what to wear and pack.  I watched and read everything I could get my hands on and after returning I can now tell you the best piece of advice I got was from a you tube video done by Lisa Freemont Street it had all sorts of good information but the best advice and what me kept me sane as I got ready to go was what she said at the end.

Sometimes its hard to remember that it's still going to be you wearing those clothes and hair so it's important to be yourself and not try to remould yourself into what you "think" will be smashing.  You've got to love what you're wearing and be comfortable in it to really rock it.  Confidence is your best accessory.  Not everyone wants to stand out and so take YOU into account when you plan your outfits. 

I went lowkey with a few accessories that made me feel special.  I did extra work on my hair but I realized that I like to blend and in the company I was keeping I had nothing to worry about provided I did come dressed as a flower child.  It took the pressure off and brought the fun back.

So that is my goal this year.  Not to get caught up in a last minute Etsy frenzy but to wear the clothes that I feel good in and stay in the moment.


Unknown said...

Great post! This is all very true. It's best not to get so stressed out that it takes all the fun out of it. After all, its a vacation! It should be fun and relaxing.

Hope to meet you there!


Scarlet said...

Thanks :) I will keep an eye out for you!