Monday, April 18, 2011

Too Cool for School

So I'm almost ready to go and  I can't wait.  On Friday I got my hair all done.  On Saturday I got the laundry all done and then I got a gel manicure in red!  I've never been much for manicures because they don't last on me and I've never had gel nails because I feel like my fingers need to breathe but how could I resist red nails that would last my entire vacation - I couldn't so here they are on day 3 still shiny and awesome...excuse my hands as I am a little dehyrdated this AM...

The polish itself is 4 coats (one base one top 2 color) and not at all heavy.  It shines like car paint and has survived me washing the dishes and the clothes.  I had been hoping to do a half moon manicure but this was less fussy and more practical for my short nails.

I'm a little nervous about taking it off as I've heard mixed reviews but I promise to report on the outcome when I remove it.  The thing that could be cool though is that theoretically it should protect my nails as they grow so I could end up with longer nails as a result! 

Today's list is pretty basic just some unshopping to do and my usual Pilates class and then tomorrow is my last day at work for a week!!!  Vacation here I come :)

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