Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Suspicions are Correct

So last year the Viva timetable looked like this and I printed it out starred what was super important to me and carried it around in my pocket all weekend.  We got programs when we got our wristbands but the program was not practical to carry around so I was glad to have this and by the end of the weekend it was a torn shred of it's former self.

This year the timetable is a whole wack of sheets and left me wishing for something I could slip in my pocket.  I started with my chart below but after listening to the bands I didn't know online checking out what I wanted to do in Las Vegas I wittled it down to 2 columns (first choice, second choice) and made these and laminated them.  They are double sided and slightly smaller than a recipe card but on I feel like now whatever time it is I will be able to tell what I'm missing because trust me you can't see everything ;)

So, here it is the proof that I am crazy....

Hope everyone has a safe trip 'cause there's gonna be a whole lotta shakin' going on!

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