Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tale of 2 Bathrooms or How to Lower Property Value

So it is almost a month now that I have been living in a house!  Wow time flies when you spend it moving, painting and destroying.  The tub surround downstairs is gone, the cement board is up, the tile is purchased and almost booked for installation and then we will be on to finishing the drywall, installing new lights, flooring and trim!

In the mean time I painted the hallway upstairs BM White Chocolate and the bathroom upstairs BM Pink Cadillac.  Unfortunately the glory that was my pink bathroom was short lived when it was decided that we should unclog the trap and found the ABS trap had been connected with a chrome pipe (which was completely corroded) to the cast iron drain.  The drain had insufficient slope which lead to the formation of what mostly seemed like a rock formation in the pipe.  This combined with the scary electrical we found lead to the removal of the wall and now my 2 bathroom house is a 1/2 and 1/2 bathroom house!  All because the sink was clogged and we thought we would clean it the "right way".

But hey I'm leaving in a week for Viva...what about that well hopefully somethings will be resolved this weekend and if not I have at least booked a hair appointment for Friday and I did manage to buy a dress so maybe just maybe by Wednesday morning I will have my bag packed and ready to go and maybe there will be one complete bathroom when I get home...

Here are some photos from this month:

note the hallway has no light (ie this paint was not helping)
ochre color taped off white chocolate to come

clean a trap lose a wall (grey pipe bottom of sink)
connector removed
beginning of the end of pink wall and notice lovely black door trim at least that was not for nothing... 

The wall is now gone stay tuned for the updates and I will try to grab some updated photos of the basement as it is progressing as well.  Working on my Viva calendar for now and will try to check back before I leave.

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